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what they say about us

100% Made in Italy training lands in Denmark

Imagine that just four minutes of exercise, three times a day, is enough to keep you healthy for life, keep your weight under control, and that you can do all the exercises with total freedom, without feeling pain in your knees and hips.

This is the promise of the StraFit method.

An important promise, which has also attracted the attention of journalists and personal trainers abroad.

International Interest.

StraFit has landed in Denmark!

Christina Bølling, a journalist for the Danish magazine SONDAG, tried StraFit and liked it so much that she decided to talk about our innovative method in an article of her own.

Here is what she says about us:

"The perfect workout form, found!(...)It looks like two pillows, but a little more high tech, and when I step on it, my foot sinks into a pleasant cloud of foam, as if I were walking in snow or sand.

You can immediately sense that working out with Strafit, both the name of the workout form and the cushion itself, requires both solid abs and good posture.

The cushion actually consists of two parts that are hard enough that you can stand, jump and run on them, but at the same time flexible enough that you don't need shoes."

Adoption by gyms

StraFit has also already reached some cutting-edge gyms in Denmark, including Reezet, a fitness center run by founder Anna Miller, who uses StraFit regularly with her clients.

The people who seem to like our method the most are sedentary people who want to lose weight and get back in shape, or clients in rehab who want to get back to being as high performing as they were before their setbacks.

Recently, he provided one to a client who can use it even while she is at her workplace.

In just four weeks, the client lost as much as two sizes, fluid and fat mass, while having fun and without noticing it.

The client's words

"It's fun, maybe because it's a bit like jumping on a trampoline and because it challenges the brain to do something new and different than usual. Maybe it is because it is tiring, but at the same time it does not cause pain in any part of my body. It's almost like being a child again, when I felt the tingle in my stomach and laughed, happy to have a body."

All this, training less than half an hour every day.

The 24-minute formula

The idea of StraFit is precisely to make exercise as short and effective as possible every day, thanks to what are known as VILPAs, "Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity," which raise the heart rate for a short period.

These two factors are essential, as they discovered, to finding a sustainable and absolutely effective form of exercise.

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